The Clock

The system display the current time in the form of a fully customisable analogue clock. The clock can be customised with the facility to change the style of the hands, hide the sceond hand, define custom symbols and more. Below is a brief outline of the clock configuration from the master configuration file:
Key | Format / Example Value | Description |
#OffSet | 1:00 | HH:MM - Clock Time Offset from Computer Clock Time |
Paper | White | Clock background colour |
#Picture | islam.gif | Image to be displayed as clock background |
Change Face | For future developement | |
Change Picture | For future development | |
Face List | Face1, Face2 | For future development |
Picture List | bg2.jpg, islamic.jpg | For future development |
Size | 490,490 | Clock size |
Symbols | 12, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 | Comma separated list of labels to show. Blank=don't show e.g. XII, I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI or 12, i, ii, 3, iv, v, 6, a, b, 9, c, d |
Symbols-Font | Engravers MT | Display font for clock symbols |
Symbols-Style | Bold | Font style: Bold, Regular, Underlined |
Symbols-Ink | Black | Foreground Colour |
Symbols-Size | 30,15,15,30,15,15,30,15,15,30,15,15 | Comma separated list of size for each clock symbol |
Clock Hands | ||
Hand-Hr-Show | Yes | Show Hour hand |
Hand-Hr-Ink | Black | Clolor of Hour Hand |
Hand-Hr-Style | Regular | Regular, Pointed |
Hand-Hr-Size | 55,10 | Relatve (1-100) length of hand: Hand, Tail |
Hand-Hr-Width | 10 | Hr Hand Width |
Hand-Min-Show | Yes | Show minute Hand |
Hand-Min-Ink | Black | Colour of the Minute Hand |
Hand-Min-Style | Regular | Regular, Pointed |
Hand-Min-Size | 75,15 | Relatve (1-100) length of hand: Hand, Tail |
Hand-Min-Width | 10 | Minute Hand Width |
Hand-Sec-Show | No | Show seconds hand |
Hand-Sec-Ink | Black | Colour of the Second Hand |
Hand-Sec-Style | Pointed | Regular, Pointed |
Hand-Sec-Size | 93,10 | Relatve (1-100) length of hand: Hand, Tail |
Hand-Sec-Width | 20 | Second Hand Width |
SecAtEnd-Show | Yes | Display seconds as a moving spot around the clock |
SecAtEnd-Ink | Black | Colour of the Seconds-at-End Spot |
SecAtEnd-Width | 12 | Width of the Seconds-at-End Spot |
SecAtEnd-Length | 5 | Length of the Seconds-at-End Spot |
SecAtEnd-Trail | No | Leave a trail as the seconds tick |
Centre-Show | No | Display clcok center point |
Centre-Ink | White | Colour of clock center point |
Centre-Radius | 3 | Center point size |
Centre-Style | Star8 | Regular, Star8, Octagon, Custom |